Future projects
Proiecte de viitor

Besides the increasing of the databases (more words, conversation, images and pronunciations associated with usual words, idioms etc.), the algorithm for translating will be improved (with new filters and the detecting of the idioms), the games will be enhanced and will appear new others.
The editing of the dictionary will can be made by any user.

Pe langa marirea bazelor de date (mai multe: cuvinte, conversatie, imagini si pronuntii asociate cuvintelor,expresii etc.), algoritmul de cautare din cadrul traducatorului va fi mai performant (incluzand filtre suplimentare si cautarea expresiilor), jocurile vor fi imbunatatite si vor apare altele noi.
Dictionarul va putea fi actualizat de catre utilizator.

This multimedia computer program, named "Let's learn MATHEMATICS 1.0", will "teach" high school mathematics (+ tests for admissions), showing not only the applications to computer science but also the verifying of mathematics laws by computer programs. Each test has associated the complete solution with the appropriate explanations. The learning and the verifying of accumulated knowledge will be made by playing games also.

Acest program va "preda" matematica de liceu (+teste grila si standard pentru bacalaureat si admiterea in invatamantul superior), evidentiind aplicatiile directe in informatica precum si, in sens invers, vizualizarea legilor matematicii prin intermediul programelor pentru calculator.
Programul va cuprinde si teste pentru examenul de capacitate. Fiecare test are asociata rezolvarea completa, cu explicatiile aferente. Dobandirea si verificarea cunostintelor se va putea face si prin intermediul jocurilor.